The key to both experiments is the quantum logic atomic clock, which uses the oscillation of a single aluminium ion to maintain precise timing. 两个实验的重点是量子铝原子钟,它利用单一铝离子的震荡来精准测量时间的流逝。
For information about controlling the quantum clock, see specifying quantum limits. 有关控制量程时钟的信息,请参阅指定量程限制。
Combining with the phenomena of EIT and EIA, the application for laser without inversion ( LWI), Coherent population transfer ( STIRAP) quantum information storage and CPT atomic clock is introduced. 结合电磁诱导透明和电磁诱导吸收现象,详细介绍了相干布居数囚禁原理在无反转激光、相干布居数转移、量子信息存储和相干布居数囚禁原子钟的应用。
Based on the quantum feature of the entangled photon pairs produced with the spontaneous parametric down-conversion and the quantum coherent principle, the method of the distant clock synchronization is studied. 通过讨论基于参量下转换产生的纠缠光子对的量子特性及量子相干原理,研究远程时钟同步测量机理。
Quantum frequency standard ( also named as atomic clock) is one of the most important fields in precision spectroscopy and metrology. 量子频标(俗称原子钟)是精密光谱与精密测量研究中的一个重要研究方向。